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Wednesday 1 June 2016

One little note of praise

I am currently filled with happiness which I honestly do not know how to explain.

Let me explain what actually happened. I have made an Instagram page named " Arbitrary_us" where I post pictures with a little caption underneath. I linked my blog in the bio hoping for someone to read. To be honest, I didn't really had the slightest imagination of someone actually taking their precious time to read my newly made blog..


But I was wrong, someone actually read my blog. She read my blog and took the time to message me praising my blog... Words can't explain how happy this person whom I have never met made me.

Can you see the power of  words?  Just a little note of praise or appreciation can becomes your candle in the dark. How beautiful the world would have become if we started appreciating others more. Not that the world is ugly no; It's still beautiful. But we have got so caught up in our busy lives that we forget  to appreciate the people around us. We forget to show love and care to the people next to us and search for love in wrong places.

Smiling at a passer passing by next to us, leaving tiny notes of appreciation, taking time to just listen to someone, letting people know you actually are there for them, also not to forget reading someone's blog and taking the time to praise their writing is enough to make someone's worst days into the best day <3.                                                                    

Here is the link to this kind human being who made my day today. She clicks beautiful pictures
 and also write beautiful thoughts of her

This human being needs to be appreciated for her little act of kindess :)

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