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Sunday 28 August 2016


Diary of Ophelia

Sorry I couldn't keep up to my promise. But you know me right? No matter what, I will always return to you, will always feel the comfort in writing to you, will always want you to listen. Here I am back today.

There are some questions which I'm unable to answer. These are questions which are asked by myself and I tired searching for the answers but of course Ophelia can never come up with a right answer or decision, The decisions and the answers taken by her are always called on trails in courtroom created by all the shades of her. So my dear diary, help me think.

What is the point in creating something beautiful when you know you won't be able to keep this beautiful thing?
Something so infinity big and infinity beautiful, so full of life and joy that fills  the void in you through good and bad by its presence that you would never want it to leave... But the manual of this beautiful thing comes with a contract; with  the instructions of loving it, growing it, making it strong everyday, trusting it, calling it your own, being proud of it, being with it through light and dark, helping it, caring it,etc... But after a specific period of time, when it's time reaches to null... To throw it... Throwing it far away and forgetting it forever and never call it your own again; to obliviate it...

What will you do? How will you do? How can one just forget and move one? What is the point of creating it when at the end you know you will be hurt by the undying memories of the dead? Should you risk your emotions and create it? What should one do? I don't know diary, I am lost and afraid  with these questions.

Afraid to be loved and to love.
Afraid of the changes happening with the passing of seconds.
Afraid of losing the beautiful thing after all the hard work and pain and joy of creating it.
Afraid of the memories that will haunt me with every moment of my life.
Afraid of creating something beautiful again... Just to burn it to ashes.

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