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Sunday 13 March 2016

The Souls of Abandoned Places

Abandoned; having been deserted or left. The fact that they are left makes them strangely interesting and beautiful. Why are these old, abandoned, rusted places beautiful?

Not everyone finds them beautiful. Some finds them to be creepy, scary, ugly and tends to keep themselves away from these places. Yes, they do give me the fright but more than the creep me, they fascinates me.

Abandoned factory halls, hospitals,school,buildings, abandoned cities and towns left behind... the peace that radiates from such places makes it so welcoming for some.

The sight of an old,abandoned car in the woods rusted, damaged with plants growing out of every corner of it could fill you with a sense of sadness and loneliness. The thought that this particular car used to be driven around to different places by its owner daces ago and now its left behind abandoned and its owner dead and gone rotten in the soil. 
Once upon a time, people walked through these places, touched them and felt them with their skin and now these are just mere memories. Every bit of these beautiful ancient abandoned places were filled with laughter and joy or screams and cries and now its a place filled with lost souls wondering around desperate to be touched or to touch the things that are left untouched for decades. It gives me shivers to think about them.

 The decay of these human made objects and the reclaim by the nature can cause a sense of solitude and makes you rethink about life around us. The way nature takes back what belongs to them and how temporary we are to them.

Of course, new things are lovely, but are not filled with souls as old, rusted objects. New objects doesn't have stories within but with time they fill themselves with stories. 

Imagine walking through the woods and finding an old building isolated from the rest of the world. As you go in, you can see the paint is chipping off the walls. All the windows are partially broken and plants are reaching out through every empty holes with wicked and skeleton like branches.

Such a sight in the middle of nowhere with no other visible human civilization around is going to fill you with questions and spark your imagination.
What kind of people were here? what were their individual stories? why was this abandoned and left to decay? Why was it build here? Where are the people now? Can they see me?

There is something eerily beautiful about abandoned places and lost traces of humanity. Though they gives the creeps but I am absolutely fascinated by them.

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