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Wednesday 17 February 2016

On Being Average

Being an average is sucks!
Myself is an average student and I hate being average. Not that I am a competitive person but the fact that people judge me because of my grades is terrible. Now the problem with average kids is that, when average kids ace an exam people assumes it was because of cheating.

Story time!

In one of my biology test, I got 9.5 out of 10 and I was happy with it of course. Now I have this girl in class who aces all her exams and tests, literally ALL! Lets call her "Kingfisher". 
Now Kingfisher comes to me and the following conversation happens

Kingfisher: Hey, heard that you got 9.5.
Me: oh  yeah, I did. 
Kingfisher: Probably cheated right?! 
Me: what no! * In my mind* HOW DARE YOU LITTLE TWAT!

So yeah, that's one of the problem. The second what I noticed is that when you get good marks, it lasts for two or three days but when you get a bad grade, that's it! People seal you with the label " A bad student who fails all her/his tests".
why do they always have to focus on the bad grades and make the person feel like a loser when evo the person clearly knows that he or she aint a loser!

Just because someone  has bad grades doesn't mean  they are loser. And school needs to stop being such judgement pricks! 

Being an average; you are neither a loser nor a winner. I think if one is a loser. must master in being a loser and if a winner must master it too. But an average is unnoticeable. 


  1. Jack of all trades, master of none... but still better than a master of one ;* ♥

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
